Home / Projects / Understanding the Emotional Experience of an Interactive Museum Exhibition

Understanding the Emotional Experience of an Interactive Museum Exhibition

Devising a hybrid visitor research method for a study of the Mandala Lab at the Rubin Museum, examining emotional shifts over the course of a visit and the impact of design.

Understanding the Emotional Experience of an Interactive Museum Exhibition

The Mandala Lab, “an interactive space for social, emotional, and ethical learning,” opened at the Rubin Museum of Art in October 2021 and is set to remain on view until October 2031, with the potential to create traveling versions of the exhibition in the future. The space offers a unique opportunity for visitors to explore emotion through the lens of Buddhist principles, inviting curiosity through five “thought-provoking, playful experiences.”

The objective of this evaluation, conducted alongside classmates Melissa Bowden Tyra and Sean Gao, was to examine the visitor journey throughout the Mandala Lab. We aimed to examine both emotional shifts over the course of a visit, and the impact of the exhibit’s design.

Initially, we had planned to focus on timing and tracking visitors. We ended up devising a novel hybrid research approach where we intercepted and interviewed visitors about their tracking sheets in order to understand not only how they moved through the exhibit, but what they were thinking as they did so.

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Team / client

Pratt Institute - INFO-693
Audience Research & Evaluation

My role

  • Study design
  • Visitor timing & tracking
  • Visitor interviews
  • Data analysis
  • Presentation design


March - May 2023
8 weeks

Tools Used

  • Google Forms
  • Dovetail
  • Figma

User ResearchAudience Evaluation